The Power of Prayer in Healing
A Mini-Retreat led by Sarah Doherty
Tuesday, April 15, 2014
La Salette Retreat Center
947 Park St., Attleboro, MA 02703
Does holding an intention for someone’s health have an effect? J. Benor, MD in his book Spiritual Healing says “yes.” Sarah Doherty believes people are connected in deeper ways than we know and that this connection has the power to heal. She has experienced this first-hand after losing her leg in a car-bike collision at age 13. Against all odds, she survived. Sarah will review recent research and criticism of the power of prayer, as well as share her own story about the turning points in her life in which prayer brought healing and newfound purpose.
Program Information
9:00 AM Mass will be celebrated in the retreat center chapel for all those who would like to participate.
Coffee and snacks following Mass
10:00 AM to 12:30 PM "The Power of Prayer in Healing" with Sarah Doherty
Registration: In order to plan seating and materials, please register at least 2 days in advance by contacting Peggy Patenaude at 508-548-9149 or $20 fee can be paid upon arrival.
Sarah Doherty, a native of Taunton, MA, is one of 9 children of the now deceased Jane and Jake Doherty. Her tragic accident in 1973 did not deter her from pursuing her goals and dreams.
“I was determined that even though I had lost my leg, I would not lose my freedom, including freedom of choices in recreational pursuits.” Sarah made good on her promise to herself. She was the first woman amputee on crutches she designed to summit Mt. Rainier in Washington, and in 1985 she became the first amputee to summit 6,194-metre Mt. McKinley in Alaska. Four years ago, Sarah climbed Mt. Kilimanjaro in Tanzania.
Sarah is an Occupational Therapist, innovator, entrepreneur and mother of three. Since her amputation 40 years ago, she has applied her insights and formal education into adapting forearm crutches to climb mountains, walk long distances and age well. She is co-founder and CEO of SideStix Ventures Inc., a company which designs and manufactures high performance forearm crutches. She is determined to enable mobility-challenged individuals to enjoy an active, healthy lifestyle by providing the highest quality and most innovative, researched backed designs in assistive walking technology.
Sarah now lives on the Sunshine Coast, outside of Vancouver, BC Canada. She is a delightful, gentle, courageous and compassionate woman of wisdom and grace. To learn more about Sarah and SideStix visit and
Limited space. Please register early!